A girl and the story of her journey!

Life, love, eating, drinking, crafting, and what
ever else comes my way!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Well, it is that time of year.

Back 2 School.

Busy everyday before work gathering all the
needed school supplies,
new school clothes,
back packs,
and of course,
sports physicals.

  I need to add haircuts in there somewhere, but today it is physicals.

I will let you know how they go when I return.

I also have a great link to share on great
for backpacks!


Luv,  Jess

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog, blog, blog!

Hello, my name is Jessica and I am addicted to blogs. 

 Plain as that.
So, I did what every other blog lover does...I am trying my hand at blogging. 
I am quite confidant in my abilities to cook, refinish things, craft, ect. 

However, this kid of freaks me out...blogging does, but I like that! 
I am driving my Mr. crazy trying to show him all of my projects, so I need somewhere to share them.

  And... you fine folks are now going to fall victim to my excitement about Hazelnut Gelato filled Profiteroles, the amazing French dresser I just picked up on Craigslist, the process of my entire upstairs renovation, school, my kids, hubby, and other things I  might find while fulfilling my blog addiction! 

 I am excited. :)

Are you?

By the way, in case for some bizarre reason you haven't seen this amazing blog, I will share it with you.

I love, love, love,
 love, love, love,

This is definitely the reason for my addiction. 
Plain. And. Simple.